lunedì, maggio 25, 2009

Appunto, come si diceva ...

"Life is easier; you feel it and are grateful.
Mercury will turn direct later in the week, which is going to help smooth the way ahead. Any delays to your financial affairs should get better as the days go by. It helps to be bold and get things done.
Mars and Venus are both in your relationships zone, clearing the air and helping to resolve issues where your love life or business partnerships are concerned.
This isn't the time to suppress bad feeling but to get it all out in the open and get the energy flowing again."

E pare non finisca qui ... niente astrologia ma concrete e terrene conversazioni sul futuro XXXXXXXXXX (niente dettagli che l'invidia è brutta bestia e ormai ci credo) ...

... PARE ... che nessuno rosichi anzitempo, mi raccomando. :P

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